The Human Body's Reaction to Alcohol
Blood alcohol | Physical reaction |
0.02% | The ability to perform complex tasks is reduced. You get a little tense and hot. |
0.05% | You get more excited. |
0.08% | You really get "in the mood". Memory is weakened. You exaggerate things and speak loud. |
0.10% | Looses control of muscles and emotional feelings. Most people stop drinking at this level, so should you! |
0.15% | You are really drunk. Staggering, nausea and sleepyness. |
0.20% | You experience problems speaking. See things double. |
0.30% | You are dead drunk. No sense of what is happening around you. |
0.35% - 0.40% | Unconsciousness or coma. Reduces respiration. Risk of suffering brain damage is high, even dying. |
Over 0.40% | GAME OVER - You most likely will die. |
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