Monday, November 23, 2009

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Bar Card Tricks - Bartender Tricks -
Bartending Tricks

Balancing Act

This is more of a trick to play on someone else and may get you a drink or two. Bet someone they can't balance a full beer with only their thumbs. The trick is to have them only place their thumbs on the edge of the bar. Now you take a full beer and balance it on their two thumbs. When they succeed, say "Well, guess you can" and walk away. They will spend a few minutes or more trying to get the beer off their thumbs.

Smoking Fingers

This is akin to the Mystic Smoke stuff you can buy from the back pages of old comics... Procure a matchbook (bring your own or ask the bartender). Head into the bathroom and start running cold water full blast in the sink. Peel the striker from the matchbook and separate it from as much paper as you can. Lay the striker on top of the faucet, above the running water, with the end hanging off the edge just slightly. Burn it with a lighter. The condensation on the faucet will catch a dark residue. Wipe it up with your finger. Shut off the water and go back to the bar. Bet someone you can create smoke without fire. Rub the finger with the residue on it together with your thumb. The result? Smoking Fingers!

Bar Card Tricks - Bartender Tricks

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