Monday, November 23, 2009

Looking For The Best Live Sports Bars In West Houston?? Johnny's Fav Is The Front Row Sports Bar

What is a Cocktail?

Drinks akin to cocktails first appeared sometime during the 16th century, but cocktails, as we know and use the term, was first introduced by American bartenders in the 1920ies.

The reason the cocktail made it big in the happy '20ies, was the prohibition, when producing and imbibing of alcohol was made illegal. As good as all spirits available was of a rather dubious quality and tasted accordingly. Thus, the bartenders, accommodating as always, started to mix the spirits with various fruit juices and other flavorings to make it more palatable. Later, the cocktail lost its popularity most places, the United States being the main exception.\

Looking For The Best Live Sports Bars In West Houston?? Johnny's Fav Is The Front Row Sports Bar

Searching For The Best Live Sports Bars In West Houston?? Bubba's All Star Picks Says Front Row Sports Bar

Tips and Tricks

  • 1/2 oz. of liquor is equal to 1 count, assuming you are using a pourer on your bottles. To measure 1 1/2 oz. of liquor, count "1001...1002...1003" as you are pouring. After a while, you should be able to do it by eye.

  • To make highballs, fill glass two-thirds full of ice before adding liquor. Always pour liquor in before the mixer. Do not stir drinks containing carbonated mixers.

  • To make cocktails, lowballs, and other shaken or stirred drinks, fill shaker half-full of ice. For lowballs, fill the glass about half-full of ice before pouring drink.

  • Most shaken drinks which contain light cream can also be made as blended drinks, substituting vanilla ice cream for the light cream.

  • To make blended drinks, first fill blender half-full of ice. If necessary, add more ice as you are blending.

  • Always keep fruit juices and other mixers refrigerated.

  • In fruit drinks, e.g. strawberry margaritas, always use fresh fruit, not frozen.

Searching For The Best Live Sports Bars In West Houston?? Bubba's All Star Picks Says Front Row Sports Bar

Searching For The Best Live Sports Bars In West Houston?? Trey's Swag Says Front Row Sports Bar


Muddling is a simple mashing technique for grinding herbs, such as mint, smooth in the bottom of a glass. You can use a wooden muddler that you buy in a bar supply store or buy a bar spoon with a muddler on the end. It crushes the herbs, much as the back of a soup spoon might, without scaring the glass.


To frost a glass, first dip it in water and then put it in the freezer for half an hour or so. Also note that metal and silver mugs and cups will frost better than glasses.

Sports Bars And Houston - See It At The Front Row - Live Sports Bars In Houston


Instead of stirring, you can shake the drink. This will mix the ingredients more than stirring, but will also result in a less clear drink. Drinks that contain ingredients that are hard to mix, such as cream, fruit juices and eggs, should be shaken vigorously to ensure that the ingredients has been well mixed.



Use an electric blender to mix fresh fruit, liquor, juices and ice instead of using a shaker. Not too popular everywhere, but perfect for making frozen cocktails or to blend ingredients that are otherwise impossible to mix.


The purpose of floating is to keep each ingredients in the drink in separate layers that do not mix with the others. This will create a drink with separate layers, and this is why floating often is referred to as layering.
The easiest way to float one liquor on top of another is to use a demitasse spoon, holding it over or in the glass and slowly trickle the ingredient over the back of the spoon.

Live Sports Bars In West Houston - The Front Row Happy Hour - Live Sports Bars In Houston

Bar Terms:


When using a cocktail shaker there is one golden rule to remember. Always put the ice in the shaker first, and the liquor last. This is to ensure that all ingredients are properly chilled by the ice when they are poured over the ice, and by adding the liquor last you reduce the chance of dilution.


A drink that is stirred instead of shaken will retain its clarity and be free of ice chips. Drinks based on clear liquors, like a Martini, should always be stirred and not shaken (don't listen to James Bond when he order his Martini "shaken, not stirred").
When stirring a cocktail you should stir it enough to mix the ingredients, but not stir it too much. If you stir too much the ice will begin to dilute the liquor. A general rule is that 10-15 stirs will be sufficient for proper mixing.
A drink containing carbonated beverage(s) should be stirred gently and briefly to retain the sparkle.

Live Sports Bars In West Houston - The Front Row Happy Hour - Live Sports Bars In Houston

Live Sports Bars In West Houston - The Bartender's Handbook - Live Sports Bars In Houston


Glass accidents

When you are around any bar, home or business, you need to be concerned for yourself and your guests. Here are a few tips about accidents and what to do:
  • Always use an ice scoop and not the glass itself. Tiny slivers of glass always chip off when dipped into an ice well and your glasses become unclear after a while

  • If you accidentally break a glass near ice, always throw away all the ice. When glass shatters, pieces go everywhere. You really don't want pieces of glass in your drink.

  • Never take a hot glass and add ice into it. This can cause the glass to shatter due to thermal shock. Be careful about this.

  • Mechanical shock occurs when you clank two glass together. One of the glasses will almost always break.

  • If you carry the glasses by the stem or the base you avoid fingerprints where people drink from, and you will have more support carrying the glass.

Different glasses

Written by The Webtender/Pål Løberg

Sports Bars In Houston - The Front Row For Coaches - Live Sports Bars In Houston

Gravity Chart

When making layered drinks, also known as a Pousse Cafe, you'll need to know which ingredients are heavier than the others. The technique is simple; the heaviest liquor is poured into the glass first, and the lighter ones are layered carefully on top with the lightest one on top.

This table list some common liquors, along with their Specific Gravity that is the weight of the liquor relative to water. Higher values indicate a heavier liquor.

Name Gravity Color
Southern Comfort 0.97
Tuaca 0.98 Amber
Water 1.00 White
Green Chartreuse 1.01 Green
Cointreau 1.04 White
Peach liqueur 1.04 Dark amber
Sloe gin 1.04 Deep red
Kummel 1.04 White
Peppermint schnapps 1.04 White
Benedictine 1.04
Brandy 1.04 Amber
Midori melon liqueur 1.05 Green
Rock and Rye 1.05 Amber
Apricot brandy 1.06 Amber
Blackberry brandy 1.06 Dark red
Cherry brandy 1.06 Dark red
Peach brandy 1.06 Dark amber
Campari 1.06 Red
Yellow Chartreuse 1.06 Yellow
Drambuie 1.08
Frangelico 1.08
Orange Curacao 1.08 Orange
Triple sec 1.09 White
Tia maria 1.09 Brown
Apricot liqueur 1.09 Amber
Blackberry liqueur 1.10 Dark red
Amaretto 1.10 Light brown
Blue Curacao 1.11 Blue
Cherry liqueur 1.12 Dark red
Galliano 1.11 Golden yellow
Green Crème de Menthe 1.12 Green
White Crème de Menthe 1.12 White
Strawberry liqueur 1.12 Red
Parfrait d'Amour 1.13 Violet
Coffee liqueur 1.14 Dark brown
Crème de Banane 1.14 Yellow
Dark Crème de Cacao 1.14 Brown
White Crème de Cacao 1.14 White
Kahlua 1.15 Dark brown
Crème de Almond 1.16
Crème de Noyaux 1.17 Bright red
Anisette 1.17 White
Crème de Cassis 1.18

Sports Bars In Houston - The Front Row Sports Bar - Live Sports Bars In Houston

Fruited Ice Cubes

Suggested Fruits Beverage

Lemon slices Iced tea

Strawberries, raspberries, Lemonade
lemon or lime slices

Pineapple chunks; grapes; Punch
strawberries; raspberries;
maraschino cherries;
mandarin oranges; orange,
lemon or lime slices

Lime slices, strawberries, Ginger ale

To make fruited ice cubes, fill an ice-cube tray halfway with water; freeze until firm, about 1 1/2 hours. Place one or two pieces of desired fruit in each section of the tray. Fill with water; freeze until firm, about 1 1/2 hours. If desired, substitute lemonade or a light-colored juice for the water.

Source: McCall's Cooking School

Sports Bars In Houston - Front Row Sports Bar Happy Hour - Live Sports Bars In Houston

Fruited Ice Ring

Turn your favorite punch into a sparkling delight by adding a colorful fruited ice ring. The ice ring is easy to prepare and makes a beautiful presentation. Use the fruit of your choice and, if you wish, substitute fruit juice for the water. Just be sure to coordinate the flavor and color of the juice with the ingredients of your punch.

1/2 lb red and/or green seedless grapes, cut in small clusters
1/2 pint fresh strawberries
1 small orange, sliced, then halved
Non toxic leaves, such as lemon leaves or rose leaves
  1. Pour water into a 5-cup ring mold (or any size ring mold that fits your punch bowl) to 1/2 inch below top of mold; freeze until firm, about 3 hours.
  2. Arrange grapes, strawberries and orange slices decoratively on top of ice in mold. Tuck leaves between fruit, as desired. Arrange so that some fruit and leaves stand above top of mold.
  3. Add enough water to fill the ring mold; freeze until firm, about 1 hour. Dip ring mold in warm water for a few seconds to loosen ice; un-mold and float fruit side up in punch.

Best Live Houston Sports Bars And Clubs And Grills

Sports Bars In Houston - The Bartender's Handbook - Live Sports Bars In Houston

Stocking your bar

You cannot make drinks out of the equipment, so you'll probably want to buy a selection of liquors and mixers too. It is impossible to make a list that "fits all" without including every possible liquor in the World, but here are a few guidelines on what to buy.

You should always choose your bar stock to suit your guests. Young people often prefer the more exotic drinks, so you will need various fruit juices and flavored liqueurs instead of the darker liquors (like whiskey) older people often prefer.

It is likely you will experience requests for drinks you cannot make, but that happen to almost every bar now and then. You can add new liquors to your bar stock later, and should learn how to mix what you have in the meantime.

A well stocked bar should have the following, but you should consider the number and type of guests you expect before buying.

In addition to the liquors, you will need different mixers, flavorings and garnishes.

Sports Bars In Houston - The Front Row Sports Bar Liquor Story - Live Sports Bars In Houston

Liquor Story

JOHNNY WALKER was hunting with
MARTINI & ROSSI when he met
HIRAM WALKER coming down
QUEEN ANNE who lived on the
HUDSON'S BAY near the

He took her, smelling like
FOUR ROSES over to the
TOWN TAVERN where he removed her
GOLD LABEL and tickled her with
THREE FEATHERS until she was
BLACK & WHITE and dying for his

He put his
JORDAN VALLEY so they rented
OLD OVERHOLT'S room at the
MARYLAND CLUB and it was
PERFECTION when he stuck his
WHITE HORSE into her
VAT '69 times and pumped his
OLD DRUM was stretched as wide as
MOUNT VERNON, and being
SCOTCH he didn't even give her a

Sports Bars In Houston - The Human Body's Reaction to Alcohol

The Human Body's Reaction to Alcohol

Blood alcoholPhysical reaction
0.02% The ability to perform complex tasks is reduced. You get a little tense and hot.
0.05% You get more excited.
0.08% You really get "in the mood". Memory is weakened. You exaggerate things and speak loud.
0.10% Looses control of muscles and emotional feelings. Most people stop drinking at this level, so should you!
0.15% You are really drunk. Staggering, nausea and sleepyness.
0.20% You experience problems speaking. See things double.
0.30% You are dead drunk. No sense of what is happening around you.
0.35% - 0.40% Unconsciousness or coma. Reduces respiration. Risk of suffering brain damage is high, even dying.
Over 0.40% GAME OVER - You most likely will die.

Sports Bars In Houston - The Intoximeter - Live Sports Bars In Houston


With this gadget you can calculate your blood alcohol level (roughly). Different people use different time to get sober, so this is only meant as a funny gadget, not an exact measurement (in fact, it may not be that exact either as it doesn't take the time between the drinks into account).

How it works: The alcohol will add to the water in your body. An adult male consists of 60-80 percent water, and an adult female of 50-70 percent water. (That is why women get drunk quicker than men.) The blood alcohol level will be reduced by about 0.015 percent per hour.

And please never drink and drive, even if you only had one beer it will affect your ability to drive safely.


Searching For The Best Sports Bars In West Houston? Well Check Out The Front Row Sports Bar

Ingredients: Bookmark this page

1 oz Vodka
1 oz Lime Juice
1 oz Triple sec

Shake all ingredients well. Strain into a rock glass.

Servings: 1

You NEED a Shaker Kit!

Searching For The Best Live Sports Bars In West Houston?? Well Check Out The Front Row Sports Bar

Red Sonja
Ingredients: Bookmark this page

1 oz Vodka
1/4 oz Lime Cordial
1/4 oz Triple Sec
1 oz Pomegranate Juice

Using a shaker filled with ice, combine all ingredients. Shake well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Decorate with lime and a cherry pick.

Servings: 1

You NEED a Shaker Kit!
"get it here"

Looking For The Best Live Sports Bars In West Houston?? Check Out The Front Row Sports Bar

6. Pina Colada
Can you say Take me away? This Original Pina Colada recipe will take you to the Island of your choice.

7. Manhattan
What can you say, It's a Manhattan!! We have the Original drink recipe for this Party Favorite.

8. Long Island Iced Tea
This is the real Blast from the past in the heat or on the beach Drink recipe for any Party.

9. Cosmopolitan
COSMO The name says it all, Tempt you party guests with some class. Lets hope it stays in the top ten for a while It's a good one.

10. Bloody Mary
The Hangover Drink for the masses. I think Its Just a good drink myself, this is the original Drink Recipe.

For The Best Live Sports Bars In West Houston? Well Check Out The Front Row Sports Bar

Top 10 Drink Recipes

1. Martini
Always the Classic Party Drink, This Recipe will impress the best.

2. Sangria
One of the first Big Party Drink Recipes, Great for the backyard beach party- Glad to see it making a comeback.

3. Mojito
Cool and Refreshing with a mint twist-Sure to make the #1 Spot With all the Requests

4. Margarita
AHHH the Classic Beat all Party Drink-This Drink Recipe is the Original and it Rocks.

5. Sex On The Beach
Top 10 forever and always will be Smooth and refreshing and easy to make Drink recipe.

Looking For The Best Live Sports Bars In Houston?? Well Check Out The Front Row Sports Bar

Bar Card Tricks - Bartender Tricks -
Bartending Tricks

Balancing Act

This is more of a trick to play on someone else and may get you a drink or two. Bet someone they can't balance a full beer with only their thumbs. The trick is to have them only place their thumbs on the edge of the bar. Now you take a full beer and balance it on their two thumbs. When they succeed, say "Well, guess you can" and walk away. They will spend a few minutes or more trying to get the beer off their thumbs.

Smoking Fingers

This is akin to the Mystic Smoke stuff you can buy from the back pages of old comics... Procure a matchbook (bring your own or ask the bartender). Head into the bathroom and start running cold water full blast in the sink. Peel the striker from the matchbook and separate it from as much paper as you can. Lay the striker on top of the faucet, above the running water, with the end hanging off the edge just slightly. Burn it with a lighter. The condensation on the faucet will catch a dark residue. Wipe it up with your finger. Shut off the water and go back to the bar. Bet someone you can create smoke without fire. Rub the finger with the residue on it together with your thumb. The result? Smoking Fingers!

Bar Card Tricks - Bartender Tricks

Sports Bars In Houston - Front Row Sports Bar - Live Sports Bars In Houston

Bar Card Tricks - Bartender Tricks

The Cork Getaway

The challenge: remove a cork stuck inside a wine bottle. The barfly's secret: With the cork inside the bottle, hold the bottle upside down and insert a plastic bag, rolled, with a portion of it sticking out. Then, with the cork lying next to the bag, pull it off and the bag will catch the cork and take it out, even with the 'pop' sound. Note: It is not necessary that the cork gets into the bag, just let it lie next to it. Suggested profit: challenge anyone that you can remove a cork stuck inside a wine bottle, without breaking either the bottle or the cork; even make the challenged write anything in the cork so that he rests assured that it will be the same cork.

The Bent Cigarette

The challenge: Bend a cigarette in half, without breaking it and without making it un-smokable. The secret: Take a dollar bill and roll it tightly around the cigarette then bend it in half till the filter tip touches the other end. The cigarette will not break and you can still smoke it.

The Camel

The camel on the camel cigarettes pack faces to the left. The challenge: Make it face to the right. The secret. Put in line two glasses full of water and the pack and look through them. The camel magically faces to the right.

Sports Bars In Houston - Front Row Sports Bar - Best Live Sports Bars In Houston

Best Card Tricks - Bartending Tricks

The Magical Coin

Since everyone uses happy hours to network, why not put that useless business card to an interesting use? After a shot, cover the glass with the aforementioned card, bum a cigarette off the annoyed bartender, and cap it off with a coin. Then, gather everyone around and bet them that you can get the coin into the glass without touching it. Say a couple magic words, give a puff so as to blow the card and cigarette out of the way, and buy a round of shots with your winnings.

Playing With Fire

Whiskey and flames make this the Snake River Canyon of bar stunts. First, bet your buddies you
can pick up a shot glass with the flat palm of your hand, no cupping. Then fill said glass about halfway with 100-proof well whiskey (80 proof won't do) and set it ablaze. Press your palm firmly over the mouth of the glass: The flame dies instantly and the resulting vacuum seals the glass to your hand. Lift. Celebrate your feat with a (now free) single malt.

Sports Bars In Houston - Front Row Sports Bar - Best Sports Bars Houston

Bar Tricks

The Cork Stand

The challenge: Drop a wine cork so it lands upright. The barfly's secret: Hold the cork horizontally and drop it from a height 1.5 times its length. Almost every time (don't bet the house on this), one end of the cork will strike the table first. Its rotational momentum will be just great enough to make it pivot 90 degrees on the hop and stick the landing like an Olympic gymnast.

Beer Money

Bottle openers are first-class levers, but all you really need to crack a beer is a dollar bill. Fold the buck in half and roll it tightly like a cigarette. Then fold it in half again to create a sharp corner. Hold the open end between your thumb and index finger. Grip the bottle's neck with your other hand to act as a fulcrum. Stick the corner under the lip of the cap and pop. You'll need substantial finger strength, but the payoff is free beer. And you can leave your lever as a tip.

Sports Bars In Houston - Front Row Sports Bar - Best Sports Bars In Houston

There are many Houston sports bars that go far beyond these video game offerings, and they even offer laser tag, go carts, shuffleboard, putt-putt golf, driving ranges, and batting cages. Obviously, some of this marketing of these games is designed to draw in customers with children. The children in theory can engage in play while the parents watch the football and basketball games on TV and socialize with other adults. But, some sports bars are also building these elaborate arcades and adding other amenities to encourage more adults to come in. The Dave and Busters chain is marketed towards families, but features mostly images of adults on its website and television commercials.

Regardless of who they are trying to reach, the chain offers virtual playgrounds that adults and children would both love. For example, their Galaxian Theatre allows up to six customers to participate in a simulated battle with alien invaders. In addition, they offer large screen projectors attached to video consoles, which enables multiple players to participate. Furthermore, they have instituted a Power Card, which enables guests to play games through a debit style card, freeing up the guest from hunting for change to play various games.

Whatever type of entertainment you are looking for, you're bound to find a Houston sports bar that caters to your interests. And, of course, if you look hard enough, you can still go to a place where you can just watch the game with fellow fans, with nary a simulated alien battle in sight.

Looking For The Best Live Houston Sports Bars?? Well Check Out The Front Row

Baggo (beanbag) tournaments have also become popular in many Houston sports bars. The more elaborate Houston sports bars have even more sophisticated arcade games that include simulators for surfing, wave runners and race cars, that are far ahead of the old fashioned seated auto racing games with a simple steering wheel and brake pedals.

These simulators require a good bit of time to master but once learned, people love to play them over and over.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Welcome To Front Row Sports Bar Houston - The Sport Bar For Coaches

The highly festive atmosphere of a Houston sports bar is conducive to all sorts of fun and games. With a greater number of Houston sports bar competing for the same customer base, Houston sports bar owners have begun using more elaborate novelty games to draw in customers.

The old fashioned style of the local neighborhood sport bars with a few televisions, an foosball game, darts, and a couple of pool tables, has evolved into sports bars that offer full blown arcades within their operation. Even most of low-key neighborhood sports bars are offering touch screen video monitors that allow a customer to play dozens of games such as trivia, card games and even crossword puzzles.

Most Houston sports bar's also offer a wide array of coin operated games such as electronic darts, shooting and hunting games, golf games, auto racing games, Wii systems with a variety of games, and Dance Dance Revolution.